It's not you, It's Me...

I’ve been on the road a lot lately, traveling the miles between our new home and our old home. Loose ends, such as an unsold house, have turned this homebody into a nomad. The car is racking up the miles, and I’ve been racking up the tears! I truly could not have predicted how emotional these weeks would be. It’s like an inevitable breakup that is taking forever to come to a close.

The decision to move to a new place wasn’t easy; made all the more difficult by having a pretty great life in the old locale. A good home surrounded by some of the best people anyone would be blessed to know. These friends have left an indelible mark on our lives, and continue to do so. Just last weekend we walked into the “small” going away party being thrown for us, to find a home packed with people and food and love and well wishes. The support and generosity bestowed on us filled our hearts and will never be forgotten. I can only hope they all visit us often so we may repay the hospitality they have shown us.

It has also been strangely emotional to prepare for and put our old home on the market. First was the act of essentially removing any trace of us, and leaving a space that is neutral to prospective home buyers. That was by no means fun, but it was far easier than act two. That is when strangers walk around the home you’ve lived in for nineteen years, while snapping pictures and making critical evaluations. That’s the part that really gets ya right in the ol’ heart. Okay, so perhaps I should have gone further than the next door neighbor’s house the first time it was being shown. And I probably should not have stood on their second floor balcony overlooking my home and within earshot. But I couldn’t help myself! I had an overwhelming need to check out the people who were checking out my house! But when they didn’t fall instantly in love (as I had) or make an offer on the spot (as I had), I felt sorry for my little house. I am abandoning her; sending her back into the dating pool to find a willing and deserving suitor after all these years together. And let’s face it, rejection sucks.

All of this tugging on my heartstrings has caused me to stop on a few occasions lately and have to ask myself “So, why did we do this again? Why did we uproot ourselves and leave behind the home we’ve known and the people we love so much?” Luckily the answer is just a car ride away. Back here in the lowcountry; a breeze in the palms, a heron at the water’s edge, and a blue sky above. The Weather Channel tells me my big southern city has ice on the ground and a 10 degree wake-up call. I however am busy preparing for round three of house guests who will arrive this weekend to temps near 70. Yep, that’s why we did it. Breaking up is hard to do… but it sure is easier at the beach!